Anders Damås


There was a guy who used to play on his own

Writing on songs 'til the sun went down

He wanted to form his own band

But musicians he liked lived across the land

So on a stage in his head, a band was born
He named it Scarecrow & The Acres of Corn

Scarecrow & The Acres of Corn,  
Acres of Corn, Acres of Corn

- guitars -

Back in the days, he screamed like a crow
He got a new nickname, just for show
They called him The Scarecrow, caused by his howl
At least he hopes it wasn't 'cause he was foul
'Cause he was foul, 'cause he was foul

- organ -

Well, the years went by and he opened his eyes

Suddenly he had a handful of guys

They're all in his hometown, eager to play

The future is open, raise the sails, raise the sails

So now the band in his head for real is born

It's called Scarecrow & The Acres of Corn
Scarecrow & The Acres of Corn,
Scarecrow & The Acres of Corn,
Acres of Corn, Acres of Corn, Acres of Corn

- guitars -


"The Rock'n'Roll Rooster got away, so I ended up with this:"

- guitar -

D'Guineafowl Gumbo
D'Guineafowl Gumbo

- guitar & organ -

D'Guineafowl Gumbo


D'Guineafowl Gumbo

- guitars -



I was out in the fields, fighting for land
I'll tell you what happened on the other hand

Elisabetha, my love, flung herself into the river
When I was told, I started to shiver

From then I banned Holy Mary and God
To keep my lifeform, I crave blood
I control the skies, I can make it thunder
I control ev'ry creature down under

Nightlife - "The Children of The Night"

Nightlife - "What Sweet Music They Make"
Nightlife - "Elisabetha"
Nightlife - "Join Me In Eternal Life!"

- bass -

- harmonica - 

Nightlife - "The Children of The Night"

Nightlife - "What Sweet Music They Make"
Nightlife - "Elisabetha"
Nightlife - "Join Me In Eternal Life!"


"The Children of The Night"


Big city houses, rise to the sky

Big city people, - on the fly

They might be comin', - or on the go

One day farewell, next day hello

They go by train, they go by plane
They go by bus, they go insane
They go up north, they go down south
They go too far, to the west. No rest!

- guitars -

- conga -

I like to sit
I like it slow
Well, I sit 'til it's time to go

I like to sit, I like it slow,
Well I sit 'til it's time to go
I like to sit, I like it slow, I like it slow, I like it

They go by train, they go by plane
They go by bus, they go insane
They go up north, they go down south
They go too far, to the west. No rest!

- guitars -


- Preflight preparations
- Once, - over
- Arrow, - check
- Cockpit, - check
- Checklist tour
aaand Roll!


"It rained for days and the sky is dark..
then I see her shoes; it is The Empress of The Blues"

The eyes of a woman I met down the trail
Was dark as her fingers; covered with soil
She came for me while she sang the truth
I know now, she was The Empress of The Blues

- guitar -

The truth she was singing, with a strong voice in vain
Was about her own life, filled with hard work and pain

A life of segregation, a life with the blues
I know now, she was The Empress of The Truth

"It rained for days and the sky is dark..
then I see her shoes; it is The Empress of The Blues"

- guitar -

The fields of Mississippi was white as cold snow

But it was black hands that picked them white balls, row by row
The lady was singin' 'bout their bbacks how they hurt

I know now, she was The Empress of The Dirt

The eyes of a woman I met down the trail
Was dark as her fingers; covered with soil
She came for me while she sang the truth
I know now, she was The Empress of The Blues

"It rained for days and the sky is dark..
then I see her shoes; it is The Empress of The Blues"


Horseback riding was never my thing

To me a horse is just to big

Much too nervous, way too tall
Too hard kicking, imagine it all

Heroes from the western scene
Is Riding With The Devil, see what I mean?

- guitar -

Now it is my turn to put on my boots

Jump up in the saddle and find the groove
Show who's the boss, prove who's The King

Stay on top of The Devil and ride

Heroes from the western scene
Is Riding With The Devil, see what I mean?

"Heroes from the western scene
Is Riding With The Devil, see what I mean?"

Well, I was on top for a little while
It felt just good, had a good time, but

Reality kicked in and I said to myself:
"This horse is riding me, I'm just a part of his game!"

Heroes from the western scene
Is Riding With The Devil, see what I mean?

Heroes from the western scene
Is Riding With The Devil, see what I mean?

- guitar -

Horseback riding was never my thing

To me a horse is just to big

Much too nervous, way too tall
Too hard kicking, imagine it all

Heroes from the western scene
Is Riding With The Devil, is Riding With The Devil
Is Riding With The Devil, is Riding With The Devil
Is Riding With The Devil, is Riding With The Devil